Hotel Villa Madonna
Tyrolean bread with hemp and speck

Bread with a typically Tyrolean flavour: delicious...

Classical recipe in a gluten-free version
Step 1

Prepare the basic dough (quantity sufficient for two batches).

Mix all the ingredients in one bowl to form the dough.

140 g corn meal*
80 g sorghum meal*
400 g rice flour*
(the flour remaining in the kit serves to sprinkle on the table)
120 g potato starch
300 g rice starch
80 g powdered sugar

*Ingredient included in the “Bread flour” kit supplied by Mulino Marello
Step 2

Prepare the poolish (a liquid starter)

150 g basic mixture
150 cl water
5 g fresh yeast

Whisk all the ingredients to obtain a liquid mixture.

Let the mixture stand for about 6-8 hours at 18°-20°C.
Step 3

Prepare the ingredients for the bread

400 g basic mixture
50 g hemp flour
250 cl water
20 g fresh yeast
2 tbs extra virgin
olive oil
100 g diced speck
salt to taste


Combine the following ingredients in a planetary mixer: the poolish, prepared in step 2 and the ingredients prepared in step 2, and blend into a well-amalgamated, unified mixture.
Knead for 5 minutes.
Place the dough on a table dusted with the left over rice flour from the kit
Let the dough rise for 90 minutes at 25°C.
Divide the dough into small loaves of about 50 g each and let rise for 30 minutes at 25°C.
Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 18-20 minutes (place a pan of water in the oven to improve the humidity and ensure softer bread).

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